This is the first of what I intend to be a series looking at the 90’s comedy series Grace and Favour, the spin off to Are You Being Served?, one of the most popular British comedies ever. In future posts I will be going into each episode in more depth and examining the careers of some of the stars who made the show so enjoyable. I will also be providing links to more resources, such as the invaluable Are You Being Served? Official website, as well as listing dvd’s, reviewing books and other resources that cover the series.I was always a fan of Are You Being Served? but especially Grace and Favour, yet it was only this year that I happened to come across the official website and started browsing through its many pages. I then began my own research and found some information which the site didn’t appear to have so I have passed it on and hopefully the site will be updated with my findings in the near So here is my blog. I will in future be including some material which is difficult to find elsewhere. I hope you enjoy it and I welcome any comments, as long as they are polite!
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